1.快速頂風換舷 - 學習透過更積極的控帆動作與精準的移動前後腳以快速有效頂風換舷.
2.Flare Gybing - 學習如何在微風到中等風況(0~25km/h)下有效地順風換舷. 在操作Flare Gybe時, 讓板尾稍插入水中來當迴轉中心, 透過用腳施壓在向風側板緣(winward rail)與用帆掌舵的組合來幫助板轉向.
3.強風行駛 - 學習如何有效讓體重跟帆保持平衡; 掌握更有效的立姿(雙手打直, 雙腳在桅桿後面); 學習如何Planing.
4.上掛鉤 - 學習上掛鉤航行是風浪板學習的一個主要里程碑, 也是掌握進階操作的基本. 上掛鉤後在強風中明顯地比較不累, 並能產生更快的板速.
5.岸邊起帆 - 學習如何在淺灘(岸邊)邊站上風浪板邊啟航. 岸邊起帆是水中起帆的前奏. [翻譯:快樂豬]
風浪板指南.........Part I 前言與初學者技巧
風浪板指南.........Part II 進階技巧
風浪板指南.........Part III 高級技巧與專家技巧
Intermediate Skills
Mastering the following intermediate skills will be easiest on a high volume long board.
1.Faster Tacking - Learning how to tack quickly and efficiently through more aggressive sail maneuvering and precise 'footwork.'
2.Flare Gybing - Learning how to gybe efficiently in light to moderate winds (0-25km). With the flare gybe the board is pivoted around on its tail by sinking the tail slightly in the water and then using a combination of foot pressure on the windward rail and sail steering to help turn the board.
3.Handling Stronger Winds - Learning how to effectively counter-balance your weight against the sail rig; mastering a more efficient stance (arms extended, both feet behind the mast); learning how to sail on a 'plane.'
4.Harness Use - Learning how to sail with a harness is a major mile-stone in windsurfing skill progression, and is essential to master further maneuvers. Harness use makes windsurfing significantly less fatiguing in strong winds, and generates faster board speeds.
5.Shallow Waterstart - Learning how to step up onto the board to get underway in shallow water. The shallow waterstart is the precursor to the deep waterstart.