


風浪板是擁有持續學習曲線的特殊運動. 事實上, 這也是風浪板會讓人上癮的部份魔力! 無論你多厲害, 永遠有新的境界或新的技巧讓你渴望繼續學習.

對初學或中階的風浪板人而言, 了解正常的學習進程不僅能確認階段性的學習目標, 也為你省下在未掌握重要基本動作前就跳著亂學進階技巧時所帶來的無限沮喪. 學習進程內的每項技巧, 都是你進到下一階段的重要基礎, 跳過任一技巧, 會讓你在嘗試掌握新階段動作時一籌莫展.



在合格指導下, 所有的初學者技巧均能在短短的3~6小時內學會. 並可以在數日內掌握這些技巧. 微風(5~20km/h)加上大浮力的寬板是快速學習的基本要件.

1.平衡 - 學習如何在風浪板上讓你保持平衡. 秘訣就是站在風浪板上時膝蓋要微彎, 身體重心集中在腳趾, 腳要放在風浪板的中心線上.

2.起帆 - 將帆拉離水面. 重點是等帆面水瀉時要有耐心(不用使盡吃奶之力將帆瞬間拉起), 後背挺直並保持膝蓋彎曲.

3.收帆加速 - 學習如何收帆(sheet-in the sail)來加速啟航. 要點就是要等到風浪板跟風向成90度才能收帆. 快要失去平衡的時候記得要鬆開後手來減速.

4.掌舵(Steering) - 學習如何控制帆來改變風浪板的航向. 將帆往板首切會讓風浪板往下風跑; 將帆往板尾切會讓風浪板往頂風跑.

5.頂風換舷(Tacks) -駛入風向 (板首通過風眼)讓風浪板轉180度(頂風).

6.順風換舷(Gybes) - 駛離風向(板尾通過風眼)讓風浪板轉180度(順風).

7.三個基本航向行駛 - (1) 頂風 (航向與風向成45度角). (2) 側風 (航向與風向成90度角). (3) 順風 (航向與風向相同). 一旦你掌握三個基本航向行駛, 你可以任意航行並能返回你的出發點. [翻譯:快樂豬]

風浪板指南.........Part I 前言與初學者技巧
風浪板指南.........Part II 進階技巧
風浪板指南.........Part III 高級技巧與專家技巧


Windsurfing is one of those special sports that have a continuous learning curve. In fact, this is part of windsurfing's addictive attraction! No matter how good you get, there is always a next level, or new skill to aspire to learn.
For beginning and intermediate windsurfers, knowing the right learning progression will not only help identify goals to shoot for, but also save hours of frustration that can result from leap frogging to more advanced skills before mastering important basics. Each skill in the learning progression is an important building block to climb to higher levels, and any that are bypassed will hold you back later as you attempt to master new maneuvers.

The following learning progression is broken down into four categories:

Beginner Skills

All of the basic beginner skills can be learned in as little as 3-6 hours with qualified instruction. These skills can be mastered in as little as week of sailing. Light winds (5-20km/h) and high volume, long boards are essential for learning quickly.

1.Balance - Learning how to balance your weight on the board. The secret is to keep your knees bent, weight on your toes, and feet positioned over the board's centreline.
2.Uphauling The Sail - Pulling the sail from the water. The key is to be patient while the water runs off the sail (no need to over-exert by trying to haul the sail out of the water in an instant), and to bend the knees and keep your back straight.
3.Powering The Sail - Learning how to 'sheet-in the sail' to get underway. Tips here are to wait until the board has turned 90 degrees to the wind. Let out with your back arm to de-power the sail if you start to lose your balance.
4.Steering - Learning how to steer the board by maneuvering the sail rig. Leaning the sail rig forward will turn the board downwind; leaning the sail rig back will steer the board upwind.
5.Tacks - Turning the board 180 degrees by turning into the wind (upwind).
6.Gybes - Turning the board 180 degrees by turning away from the wind (downwind).
7.Sailing The Three Basic Points of Sail - (1) Upwind (45 degrees to the wind). (2) Reaching (90 degrees to the wind). (3) Downwind (sailing the same direction as the wind). Once you have mastered these three points of sail, you can sail off in any direction and return back from where you started.


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